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So I was talking about this on the show today and I was wondering if 50 was getting railroaded and it turns out he might actually be. I fell victim to thinking he was showing the money off to flip the court off but I have to admit I was wrong. Fiddy’ is one of my favorite rappers because he has been keeping it real from the jump. He isnt like today’s “rappers” which is why I like him but his bankruptcy was something that threw me a little and then when I saw him showing wads of cash that made me angry because it looked like he was abusing the system but he explained whats happening and you know what? I believe him. This isn’t a fanboy bullshit but it looks like they are targeting him for whatever the reason so I can understand his frustration. 

People need to understand it doesn’t matter how much money he has or had he has responsibilities and he did what any responsible adult and businessman would do if his money was getting tight. The house he owned was one of the biggest reasons for his money problems and now that is gone and off his back hopefully he will be able to bounce back. As he points on he is the one in trouble not his companies which is a big difference. So not that I am one who usually does this but I was wrong about Fiddy flossing and anytime the government comes to investigate anything its never good. Fiddy I know I am a nobody but I got your back!


A photo posted by 50 Cent (@50cent) on

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